Abi Nahed R, Reynaud D, Lemaitre N, Lartigue S, Roelants C, Vaiman D, Benharouga M, Cochet C, Filhol O and Alfaidy N
Protein kinase CK2 contributes to placental development: Physiological and pathological implications.
Journal of Molecular Medicine, 2020,
98(1): 123-133
Alfaidy N, Brouillet S, Rajaraman G, Kalionis B, Hoffmann P, Barjat T, Benharouga M and Murthi P
The emerging role of the prokineticins and homeobox genes in the vascularization of the placenta: Physiological and pathological aspects.
Frontiers in Physiology, 2020,
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Bouzoubaa M, Benlahfid M, Sidqui M, Aboussaouira T, Rifki C, Brouillet S, Traboulsi W, Alfaidy N and Benharouga M Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and Endocrine gland-VEGF (EG-VEGF) are down regulated in head and neck cancer.
Clinical Otolaryngology, 2020,
45(5): 788-795
Collet C, Abi Nahed R, Gemy K, Traboulsi W, Lemaitre N, Bolze PA, Hoffmann P, Benharouga M and Alfaidy N
Multifaceted functions of Prokineticins in reproductive cancers and proposed associated therapies.
Journal of Cancer Science and Clinical Therapeutics, 2020,
4(4): 408-423
Gonneaud A, Fakhir FZ, Landas E, Le Tallec E, Chartier E, Almunia C, Chenal A, Forge V and Marquette C
Development of conformational antibodies to detect Bcl-xL’s amyloid aggregates in metal-induced apoptotic neuroblastoma cells.
International Journal of Molecular Science, 2020,
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Abi Nahed R, Reynaud D, Borg AJ, Traboulsi W, Wetzel A, Sapin V, Brouillet S, Dieudonné MN, Dakouane-Giudicelli M, Benharouga M, Murthi P and Alfaidy N NLRP7 is increased in human idiopathic fetal growth restriction and plays a critical role in trophoblast differentiation.
Journal of Molecular Medicine, 2019,
97(3): 355-367
Alfaidy N, Baron C, Antoine Y, Reynaud D, Traboulsi W, Gueniffey A, Lamotte A, Melloul E, Dunand C, Villaret L, Bessonnat J, Mauroy C, Boueihl T, Coutton C, Martinez G, Hamamah S, Hoffmann P, Hennebicq S and Brouillet S Prokineticin 1 is a new biomarker of human oocyte competence: Expression and hormonal regulation throughout late folliculogenesis.
Biology of Reproduction, 2019,
Hasna J, Abi Nahed R, Sergent F, Alfaidy N and Bouron A The deletion of TRPC6 channels perturbs Iron and Zinc homeostasis and pregnancy outcome in mice. Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry, 2019,
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Pansieri J, Josserand V, Lee S-J, Rongier A, Imbert D, Moulin Sallanon M, Kövari E, Dane T, Vendrely C, Chaix O, Guidetti M, Vollaire J, Fertin A, Yves Usson Y, Rannou P, Coll J-L, Marquette C and Forge V UV-Vis-NIR optical properties of amyloid fibrils as a new light on amyloidogenesis.
Nature Photonics, 2019,
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Ranzil S, Ellery S, Walker DW, Vaillancourt C, Alfaidy N, Bonnin A, Borg A, Wallace EM, Ebeling PR, Erwich JJ andMurthi P Disrupted placental serotonin synthetic pathway and increased placental serotonin: Potential implications in the pathogenesis of human fetal growth restriction.
Placenta, 2019,
Wackenheim C, Hoffman P, Dumestre-Pérard C, Bouillet L, Alfaidy N and Deroux A Prévalence et caractéristiques de l’auto-immunité sérique chez les patientes suivies pour infertilité au CHU de Grenoble.
La Presse Médicale, 2019,
48(11 Pt 1): e307-e315
Benlahfid M, Traboulsi W, Sergent F, Benharouga M, Elhattabi K, Erguibi D, Karkouri M, Elattar H, Fadil A, Fahmi Y, Aboussaouira T and Alfaidy N Endocrine gland-derived vascular endothelial growth factor (EG-VEGF) and its receptor PROKR2 are associated to human colorectal cancer progression and peritoneal carcinomatosis.
Cancer Biomarkers, 2018,
21(2): 345-354
Berkane N, Liere P, Lefevre G, Alfaidy N, Abi Nahed R, Vincent J, Oudinet JP, Pianos A, Cambourg A, Rozenberg P, Galichon P, Rousseau A, Simon T, Schumacher M, Chabbert-Buffet N and Hertig A Abnormal steroidogenesis and aromatase activity in preeclampsia.
Placenta, 2018,
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Lappas M, McCracken S, McKelvey K, Lim R, James J, Roberts CT, Fournier T, Alfaidy N, Powell KL, Borg AJ, Morris JM, Leaw B, Singh H, Ebeling PR, Wallace EM, Parry LJ, Dimitriadis E and Murthi P Formyl peptide receptor-2 is decreased in foetal growth restriction and contributes to placental dysfunction.
Molecular Human Reproduction, 2018,
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Pansieri J, Gerstenmayer M, Lux F, Mériaux S, Tillement O, Forge V, Larrat B and Marquette C
Magnetic nanoparticles applications for amyloidosis study and detection: A review.
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Pansieri J, Halim MA, Vendrely C, Dumoulin M, Legrand F, Sallanon MM, Chierici S, Denti S, Dagany X, Dugourd P, Marquette C, Antoine R and Forge V Mass and charge distributions of amyloid fibers involved in neurodegenerative diseases: Mapping heterogeneity and polymorphism.
Chemical Science, 2018,
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Reynaud D, Sergent F, Abi Nahed R, Brouillet S, Benharouga M and Alfaidy N EG-VEGF maintenance over early gestation to develop a pregnancy-induced hypertensive animal model.
Methods in Molecular Biology, 2018,
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Abi Nahed R, Reynaud D, Traboulsi W, Ndagijimana S, Dieudonné MN, Hoffmann P, Benharouga M and Alfaidy N NLRP7 inflammasome is activated in FGR pregnancies: Physiological and physio-pathological implications.
Placenta, 2017,
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Pansieri J, Plissonneau M, Stransky-Heilkron N, Dumoulin M, Heinrich-Balard L, Rivory P, Morfin JF, Toth E, Saraiva MJ, Allémann E, Tillement O, Forge V, Lux F and Marquette C Multimodal imaging Gd-nanoparticles functionalized with Pittsburgh compound B or a nanobody for amyloid plaques targeting.
Nanomedecine, 2017,
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Traboulsi W, Sergent F, Boufettal H, Brouillet S, Slim R, Hoffmann P, Benlahfid M, Zhou QY, Balboni G, Onnis V, Bolze PA, Salomon A, Sauthier P, Mallet F, Aboussaouira T, Feige JJ, Benharouga M and Alfaidy N
Antagonism of EG-VEGF receptors as targeted therapy for Choriocarcinoma progression
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Clinical Cancer Research, 2017,
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Alfaidy N Prokineticin1 and pregnancy.
Annales d'Endocrinologie, 2016,
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Alfaidy N, Hoffmann P, Gillois P, Gueniffey A, Lebayle C, Garçin H, Thomas-Cadi C, Bessonnat J, Coutton C, Villaret L, Quenard N, Bergues U, Feige JJ, Hennebicq S and Brouillet S PROK1 level in the follicular microenvironment: A new noninvasive predictive biomarker of embryo implantation.
Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 2016,
101(2): 435-444
Plissonneau M, Pansieri J, Heinrich-Balard L, Morfin JF, Stransky-Heilkron N, Rivory P, Mowat P, Dumoulin M, Cohen R, Allémann, Tóth, Saraiva MJ, Louis C, Tillement O, Forge V, Lux F and Marquette C Gd-nanoparticles functionalization with specific peptides for ß-amyloid plaques targeting.
Journal of Nanobiotechnology, 2016,
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Sergent F, Hoffmann P, Brouillet S, Garnier V, Salomon A, Murthi P, Benharouga M, Feige JJ and Alfaidy N Sustained endocrine gland-derived vascular endothelial growth factor levels beyond the first trimester of pregnancy display phenotypic and functional changes associated with the pathogenesis of pregnancy-induced hypertension.
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Bardin N, Murthi P and Alfaidy N Normal and pathological placental angiogenesis.
BioMed Research International, 2015, Article ID 354359
Chauvet S, Traboulsi W, Thevenon L, Kouadri A, Feige JJ, Camara B, Alfaidy N and Benharouga M EG-VEGF, BV8 and their receptors expression in human bronchi and their modification in cystic fibrosis: Impact of CFTR mutation (delF508).
American Journal of Physiology. Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology, 2015,
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Dakouane-Giudicelli M, Brouillet S, Traboulsi W, Torre A, Vallat G, Si Nacer S, Vallée M, Feige JJ, Alfaidy N and de Mazancourt P
Inhibition of human placental endothelial cell proliferation and angiogenesis by netrin-4.
Placenta, 2015,
36(11): 1260-1265
Garnier V, Traboulsi W, Salomon A, Brouillet S, Fournier T, Winkler C, Desvergne B, Hoffmann P, Zhou QY, Congiu C, Onnis V, Benharouga M, Feige JJ and Alfaidy N PPARgammacontrols pregnancy outcome through activation of EG-VEGF: New insights into the mechanism of placental development.
American Journal of Physiology. Endocrinology and Metabolism, 2015,
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Micoud J, Chauvet S, Ludwig Scheckenbach KE, Alfaidy N, Chanson M and Benharouga M Involvement of the heterodimeric interface region of the nucleotide binding domain-2 (NBD2) in the CFTR quaternary structure and membrane stability.
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Murthi P, Brouillet S, Pratt A, Borg A, Kalionis B, Goffin F, Tsatsaris V, Munaut C, Feige J, Benharouga M, Fournier T and Alfaidy N An EG-VEGF-dependent decrease in homeobox gene NKX3.1 contributes to cytotrophoblast dysfunction: a possible mechanism in human fetal growth restriction.
Molecular Medicine, 2015,
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Traboulsi W, Brouillet S, Sergent F, Boufettal H, Samouh N, Aboussaouira T, Hoffmann P, Feige JJ, Benharouga M and Alfaidy N Prokineticins in central and peripheral control of human reproduction.
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Wong MK, Barra NG, Alfaidy N, Hardy DB and Holloway AC Prenatal nicotine exposure and postnatal health outcomes.
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Alfaidy N, Hoffmann P, Boufettal H, Samouh N, Aboussaouira T, Benharouga M, Feige JJ and Brouillet S The multiple roles of EG-VEGF/PROK1 in normal and pathological placental angiogenesis.
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Dunand C, Hoffmann P, Sapin V, Blanchon L, Salomon A, Sergent F, Benharouga M, Sabra S, Guibourdenche J, Lye SJ, Feige JJ and Alfaidy N Endocrine gland-derived endothelial growth factor (EG-VEGF) is a potential novel regulator of human parturition.
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Holloway AC, Salomon A, Soares MJ, Garnier V, Raha S, Sergent F, Nicholson CJ, Feige JJ, Benharouga M and Alfaidy N
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Vittet D, Brouillet S, Hoffmann P, Alfaidy N and Feige JJ Cultures de cellules endothéliales. Applications à l’étude de l’angiogenèse In
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Alfaidy N, Chauvet S, Andrei S, Salomon A, Saoudi Y, Richaud PR, Aude-Garcia C, Hoffmann P, Andrieux A, Moulis JM, Feige JJ and Benharouga M
Prion protein expression and functional importance in developmental angiogenesis: Role in oxidative stress and copper homeostasis.
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Boufettal H, Feige JJ, Benharouga M, Aboussaouira T, Nadifi S, Mahdaoui S, Samouh N and Alfaidy N Rôle potentiel du facteur angiogénique « EG-VEGF » dans les maladies gestationnelles trophoblastiques.
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Brouillet S, Murthi P, Hoffmann P, Salomon A, Sergent F, De Mazancourt P, Dakouane-Giudicelli M, Dieudonné MN, Rozenberg P, Vaiman D, Barbaux S, Benharouga M, Feige JJ and Alfaidy N EG-VEGF controls placental growth and survival in normal and pathological pregnancies: Case of fetal growth restriction (FGR).
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Faure C, Hoffmann P, Salomon A, Garnier V, Sapin V, Blanchon L, Guibourdenche J, Benharouga M, Feige JJ and Alfaidy N Membranes fœtales humaines, nouvelles sources et cibles du facteur endocrine EG-VEGF : implications physiologiques et physiopathologiques.
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Garnier V, Salomon A, Fournier T, Sergent F, Hoffmann P, Feige JJ and Alfaidy N Contribution à la compréhension du mécanisme de régulation de l’invasion trophoblastique par PPARgamma : implication de l’EG-VEGF.
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Kaspi E, Guillet B, Piercecchi-Marti MD, Alfaidy N, Bretelle F, Bertaud-Foucault A, Stalin J, Rambeloson L, Lacroix O, Blot-Chabaud M, Dignat-George F and Bardin N Identification of soluble CD146 as a regulator of trophoblast migration: Potential role in placental vascular development.
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Brouillet S, Hoffmann P, Chauvet S, Salomon A, Chamboredon S, Sergent F, Benharouga M, Feige JJ and Alfaidy N Revisiting the role of hCG: New regulation of the angiogenic factor EG-VEGF and of its receptors.
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Brouillet S, Hoffmann P, Feige JJ and Alfaidy N EG-VEGF: A key endocrine factor in placental development.
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Hoffmann P, Brouillet S, Benharouga M, Feige JJ and Alfaidy N Role of EG-VEGF in human placentation: Physiological and pathological implications In
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