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UMR_S 1292 CEA/Inserm/Université Grenoble Alpes

Biology and Biotechnology for Health Laboratory

Published on 8 February 2023

Catherine Picart

The Biology and Biotechnologies for Health laboratory conducts research studies covering both fundamental aspects of cell signaling and translational approaches. The aim is to work from the "laboratory to the bedside" using advanced biotechnologies, including proteomics, genomics, screening for new drugs and developing innovative biomedical devices.
Research projects focus both on processes occurring in physiological conditions, such as angiogenesis and tissue repair, but also in pathological conditions such as rare diseases and certain cancers.

Research teams

BMP family in angiogenesis and lymphangiogenesis (BAL)
Biomimetism and Regenerative Medicine (BRM)
Invasion Mechanisms in Angiogenesis and Cancer (IMAC)
Mechanisms of Angiogenesis in Biological Barriers (MAB2)