Constance Collet, PhD student. Supervisor, Nadia Alfaidy
UGA 2021 Award for the best oral presentation:
Caractérisation du rôle des prokinéticines dans le cancer de l’ovaire
High NLRP7 expression promotes choriocarcinoma development: Proof of concept from clinical and preclinical studies
D. Reynaud, R. Abi Nahed, N. Lemaitre, PA. Bolze, T. Aboussaouira, P. Murthi, R. Slim, M. Benharouga & N. Alfaidy.
Boston, 6-9 July 2021
NLRP7 promotes choriocarcinoma progression: Proof of concept from clinical and preclinical studies
D. Reynaud, R. Abi Nahed, N. Lemaitre, F. Sergent, PA. Bolze, P. Hoffmann, M. Benharouga & N. Alfaidy.
Lyon, April 2021
Evidence-based view of safety and effectiveness of prokineticin receptors antagonists during pregnancy
Deborah Reynaud, Frédéric Sergent, Roland Abi Nahed, Wael Traboulsi, Constance Collet, Padma Murthi, Nadia Alfaidy & Mohamed Benharouga.
Boston, 6-9 July 2021
Increased expression of placental inflammasomes is associated with human fetal growth restriction (FGR) and an inflammation-induced in vitro human placental organoid model system
Padma Murthi, Amlan Chakraborty, Irvan Alfian, Georgia Sgroi, Sheetal Saini, Chrishan Samuel, Evdokia Dimitriadis, Nadia Alfaidy, Sharon Ricardo & Shaun P Brennecke
Melbourne, 12 July 2021 Society of Rep Biology